
Redefining what it means to be a part of UC San Diego's design community.

Community Engagement Coordinator

Project Type
Leadership, Project Management

May 2022 - Present

What I Do

Facilitating and Leading Workshops for 250+ Students.

Throughout the year, I facilitated and led a handful of workshops and lecture-style meetings for students. These workshops provided students with opportunities to learn more about design and the industry. Notable workshops included:

Leading Large Initiatives

From June 2022 to August 2022, DesignCo hosted Build-Up: a 10-week long summer internship program for UCSD students. Students gain exposure to industry by working with local non-profits on various design projects like: website redesigns and market strategy.

I helped lay the foundation for this summer internship program which gave over 32 students exposure to industry. I connected students with 6 local non-profits and 17 industry professionals. I also led the charge for the application process and scheduling for the program.

Building Community

As a Community Engagement Coordinator, I provide opportunities for fellow student designers to connect with each other and with industry-professionals. With 4 other team members, the Community Engagement Team leads 10 socials each year and facilitates community feedback.

Recently, our team of 4 completed our largest mentorship program ever called Pixels & Cursors. The goal of the program was to provide mentorship to new design students from older students. This initiative had over 200 participants with 5 student events already executed.

This program improved accessibility of design mentorship beyond just design majors and provided more professional development opportunities to students via small groups.

Why I Do It

I wish I had a design community.

My design journey didn't start at school. It began during the COVID-19 quarantine where I was isolating at home. My curiosities led me to find online communities that felt larger than the world I knew. I was overwhelmed. Throughout most of 2020 and 2021, I was able to find remote design opportunities, but it never felt like I was in a supportive design community.

Coming to UC San Diego, I joined various design communities and felt overwhelming support. Towards the end of my first year here, I pursued leadership positions in design. It gave me the chance to provide others with an opportunity to grow in a close design community.

Now, as I near the end of my college experience, I'm proud to see what we've been able to accomplish.